
Jul 25, 2022

my gran goes to a nursing home today.

she’s been fighting dimensia since 2007 and its finally taken her from us completely.

my paw has loved her well and given her everything he had, but his health is failing and its time to get help.

today is going to be hard for paw, mom and her bother and sister. i know this is a move for gran, but my heart aches for paw. im hoping and praying he can get some rest and his health will bounce back. getting past the feeling of guilt will take a long time, but its for the best.

I’ll always have the memories of spending a week of summer and every christmas at Gran and Paw Paw’s. I’m ever grateful for the love they had for eachother and all of us kids.

gran and gavin
gran and my pie
gran and me
gran at my wedding
gran baby girl