034 | tire size

Feb 6, 2022

WTJF link

Tire install scheduled for Wednesday. I am excite.


Shake down run at the end of the month. I made a list of everything on my radar at the moment.

Have parts waiting to install:

Waiting on parts:

Order of operations for the rear:

  1. Install rear trackbar and angle bracket
  2. Position rear axle, check alignment at full bump
  3. Install rear jounce bumpers and bumpstops
  4. Install DS and set pinion angle, check axle position
  5. Cycle the suspension for clearance and check bumps and rear shock length
  6. Adjust, adjust, adjust until I’m happy

That will get me up and running. I may not get to the skid/BL/MML/shifter until next month. If the bumpstops I have aren’t going to keep the tires out of the fenders, I’ll get to it sooner than later. Everything is impacted by everything else….

Other items on my list in some other category are as follows


Future projects:
